Why Choose Flash?I have decided on using Adobe Flash as my medium of choice in which toi develop the mapping software. In my experience as a webdesigner and animator I have found that flash has not only become the medium of choice online for interactive, rich multimedia content but it does not over tax the CPU or RAM of a users when processing dynamic content. In addition the vector based animation script will allow me to efficiely maniplate the node points in 2D and 3D and control text, images and streaming video dynamically.
The initial design of the map will show summaries of data located at the node points such as a title, short description and a thumbnail image. The user can then double click on these "snippets" of info to access the full infomation set. The information set can be a text, images, animation, audio or video. In order to deal with the problem of loading bottle necks across the web the full multimedia content associsated with each node will only be loaded "on request". This will enable fast download times and a uninterrupted user experience even with slow internet connections and low spec computers. Flash is well suited to the task of juggling these demands and currently presents the most elgant and versatile solution for online education technology developers.
EditablityIn order for the mapping software to be a usable as possible users will beed the ability to make changes to the map without editing the .fla or swf file directly. It is for reason that the ID numbers used to create the maps should be contained in an external file which can be easily updated independently from flash.
I have chosen to use and external XML file to house all the data for the nodes as oppossed to a ".txt" file for the following reasons:
XML or extensible markup language can be used to eassily describe lists of items: Simple code to write by hand or generate using software.
XML is the closest script availble to a universal scripting language: custom tags cab be created that can be universaly
XML cleanly seperates content and format data: Content can be resued by web pages and reformated using other CSS style sheets.
XML can be read by most modern web browsers: So content can be used across a site not just using flash
The map can be run using data from a simple RSS feed: opening a new map file is as easy as linking to a different rss feed. The map could be developed in the future to auto-create from any rss feed.
Flash can used to create custom XML parsers: Interprets XML data, can then make changes to a map then save to an external XML file.
xml file image
This xml file contains summary data for 3 nodes. In a typical map there may be over a hundred nodes.
Using the same concept of seperating presentation from content that using XML and CSS gives to web designers. The XML data file that holds the mapping data will always remain seperate from the XML files that hold the full content data of each node. This allows users to create multiple maps form a the same set of content data. It also allows the user to updatate and edit multimedia content independently of the map itself.
Sample XML file containing full node contentxml image
Building New MapsSince the design of this software is with usability in mind for both designers and coders alike the ability for a coders to manually create a map by adding items to a list is just as important a designers being able to create a map usaing a graphical user interface. In future versions of the mapping software the user will be able to create a mp simple by dragging and dropping objects on to the stage. Flash will automatically calcuate the node ID using a custom built association alogorithm. But for the time being I will develop the first prototype to create new maps using direct XML editing only.